APapers: Questions and Answers about Our Service
How much will my essay cost?
Our prices are flexible and depend on the type of paper, academic level, page count, time frame for order completion, and extra options. You can find out the final price of your order with the help of an online calculator in the Order Form.
When will you complete my paper?
We will write and deliver your project according to the deadline you set when completing an order form. We have several options available between three hours and fourteen days. The countdown begins once you have paid for your paper. We guarantee that our writers always deliver every project on time. Note that the deadline for the order is set for the primary draft. Any revision requires additional time.
Who will write the essay for me?
In our team, we have only the Ph.D. and Master’s authors. It means that your order will be assigned to a professional. All our writers are knowledgeable in their fields of study and know how to conduct research, collect data, and organize their thoughts in a clear and logical way. We will find an expert who will manage to come up with an excellent paper for you. If you have used our service earlier and have a favorite writer, you can use an option Preferred Writer.
What if I have specific sources to use?
We always encourage our clients to share any additional files they have in the Files section on the Control Panel to help the author write a paper that will match the client’s expectations.
What if I need my essay formatted in a specific style?
We always format every paper for free. Just indicate the required academic format, and receive your paper formatted flawlessly in APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian.
How many pages to choose?
One page includes 275 words. Choose the page count, depending on how many pages/words your professor asks your essay to be. The title page and list of references are not included in the total number of pages.
What if I need my primary instructions to be changed?
If you want to change the instructions, you will have to either request a paid revision or place a new order. We will revise your project for free only in case when the primary instructions for it remain unchanged.
How will you deliver a paper?
We will send you a notification once the writer stops working on your order. The preview version of the document will be uploaded to your account. You will have to log in and read it carefully and decide if it meets your requirements. If everything is fine, accept the order and get a downloadable version of the file. If you want any alterations to be made, request a revision.
What if you miss the deadline?
The probability of such a situation is almost impossible, but if it happens, you will have to turn to Customer Support members. We will discuss this case and either rearrange the deadline or send your money back.
Can I get my money back?
Yes, we provide a refund option. You can request it if we fail to deliver an essay that is completed according to your instructions, and the revision is not applicable. In such a case, our Quality Assurance Committee will analyze the case and act in accordance with our refund policy.